Monday, January 07, 2008


I wrote this on the 1st of January, 2008, but posting it now. Compliments of the season to you. Let us start this year by considering how to live in 2008 and beyond without regrets.

What is regret? Simply, it is a feeling of sadness about something wrong or about a mistake you have made and a wish that it could have been different or better. By the end of 2008, I want to take a stock of the year and have no regret about anything whatsoever.


A prime factor to avoid regret is to take your decision making process seriously. Decisions are always time bound, you should not be too hasty neither should you be too slow. Apart from timing, decisions should not be made without adequate information and knowledge about the subject of decision. You will have to make decisions about almost everything that comes your way. When you make decisions, consider the long term effects of such decisions. Do not be short sighted. Every decision you take now will determine whether or not you will have any regret at the end of the year.

Next is your attitude to opportunities. Several opportunities to take your life to a higher level will present before you. But then, opportunities should be well discerned because not every attractive opportunity is actually a good one, so watch out. Also, a lot of times, opportunities come dressed in overall called “work”. Be alert, watch out for such opportunities to improve your career, improve your value in the organisations you belong to, improve the quality of your social relationships and improve your life.

Also important is your “locus of control”. Locus of control is the process of attribution. It could be internal or external. External locus of control means that you attribute everything that happens to you to the action or inaction of others or external factors. Internal locus of control means you take personal responsibility for everything that happens to you. If you operate an internal locus of control, you will learn to lead your life more responsibly and avoid regrets.

2008 comes really loaded. I pray that the evil therein will not be yours but the goodness and the blessings in the year will be yours.

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