In someone`s life, one of the most frequent questions he is asked is “what is your name?” In the same vein, the most important introduction you have to do is to tell your name. What makes a name so important? Why do families, especially in Africa and similar cultures of the world attach so much importance to a name? Child-naming usually comes with a lot of celebrations and merry-making. Why, in the last few months, have some people named their children “Goodluck”? lol. Some names have assumed a larger-than-life dimension such that they have become Legends and Institutions.
In this brief discourse, let us examine what really is in a name. We shall do this on three levels. Please come with me on this adventure.
1. AN IDENTITY TO A PERSON: a name is basically to give an identity to a person. There `s a saying in my place that “a child is given a name so that he can be identified the day he causes trouble”. As sarcastic as it may sound, it aptly describes the basic functionally of a name. Brand specialists know the importance of a name.
Taking it a little further, a name gives more than an identity to a person. It allows other people to tag your character. Just as you tag pictures on Facebook and when you place the cursor on the person in the picture, the name appears, so it is in people`s mind when a particular Character is mentioned a name pops up. For example, if you grew up in Nigeria in the ‘80s, like me, when someone mentions “Armed Robber” around you, some names are likely to pop up in your mind e.g Lawrence Anini or Shina Rambo.
If I may ask, what kind of characters elicit your name in people`s minds? A lot of people resent IBB today because of his past deeds. A lot of people still idolise Gani Fawehinmi today, because of what he lived and died for.
The Good book says “a good name is better than silver”. Do you have a good name? What do people say about you in your absence? That is why it is dangerous to surround yourself with sycophants because they will never tell you the truth about yourself. People perceive what you project. If you project a good image, people will perceive you as a good person, and vice-versa.
2. A LEGACY FOR YOUR DESCENDANTS: the primary people who inherit your name are your descendants. Do you care so much about the name they inherit from you? If the fathers eat sour grapes, the teeth of the children will be set on the edge. Years ago, a friend of mine got a huge favor when he was seeking admission into the University from a stranger in the Admissions Office who heard his name. The stranger took him up and inquired about his family, only to find out that he was the son of the man who helped him (the stranger) to get Admission into the University, maybe some 20 years before then. Now the roles are reversed, my friend`s Dad is retired, having worked in another University, the person he helped to get admission now is helping his son to get admission. What kind of reception would your children get when you are far away? I met a man who is the grandson of a well-known occultic man. His grandfather was a national figure in an Occult group in Nigeria such that it was the National leadership of the occult that buried him when he died. For a long time, I could not stop thinking of this man without remembering the kind of person his grandfather was. Your actions today go a long way in determing the Legacy you bequeath your descendants.
3. A MONUMENT FOR YOUR COMMUNITY: there is a Cenotaph in the town-centre where I grew up (Ilesa, Nigeria). It is in memory of a man who died 100 years ago. Ogedengbe Agb’ogungb’oro was the warrior who defended my tribe during the days of inter-tribal war in the 19th century. For his bravery, he is still remembered. Obafemi Awolowo will be remembered forever because he brought free western education to Western Nigeria several decades ago. It is of no use if you live in a mansion and people in the next compound to you live in abject poverty. Some people adopt the Ostrich mentality and they go to live in beautiful estates where they are oblivious to the poverty in the environment. How much does it cost to make a bore-hole to give a community safe drinking water? Someone I know celebrated his 30th birthday some years ago by donating four bore-holes to different communities. He spent just a million naira to do that. You may not have a million naira but you definitely have something. Another person took the bills of giving series of career guidance clinics to several secondary schools in a community. What do you intend to be remembered for in your community? Do not be a serpent that passes on a rock and leaves no marks. Youth Corpers have built hospitals and roads for local communities in some interior parts of Nigeria. What can you do? Do something positive to make your name outlive you. Let your name be a monument for your Community. The least form of influence is only to benefit yourself and your family. Let people who are not related to you rise up and bless your name for making an impact on their lives. Build a monument in the hearts of men by your impact. Let your name be a monument.
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