Who do you think a real man is? How would you define real manhood? What are the attributes that you think describe a real man? Is it just about being “male”? Like the Porters in a female hostel in my University would announce at the close of the visiting hours “...all male men, please it is time to move out...”
You must have seen some adverts that describe what is perceived as being a man. One of such adverts shows an empty glass of beer; with the rider “...a man was here”. Another beer is advertised as “brewed for the strong”. Another describes “...greatness in every man”. The list is endless.
From another perspective, a man is described by the muscles; size, tone, shape and so on. A true man in that perspective has the six-packs, bulging biceps, the V-shaped trunk; looking like Governor Arnold. Physiologically, a man is expected to weigh not less than 70kg.
A real man in another sense is judged by how virile he is, i.e how many women he has been able to conquer in bed and probably put in the family way. In that wise, there are many “men” in traditional Africa. In Africa also, men don`t cry.
To some, a real man is seen by the “engine” in which he cruises, the kind of club he attends, and how much cash he throws around.
We could go on and on to describe how our generation perceives the true measure of a man.
I want to gainsay these popular opinions about the true measure of a man.
A real man is CREATIVE. To be creative is to move up from the lowest rung of the “life pyramid”. At the lowest rung, all you find is CONSUMERISM. Little wonder why all third world countries are consumer nations? As long as a person will not put to use the limitless power of imaginative ideas given him by God, he remains a consumer. A pointer to how creative a person can be is how much a person is able to achieve with little resources. I do not think the ability to be resourceful is given to only a few. If you must be creative, you must be able to think resourcefully. The greatest capital needed in any business venture is not money; it is resourceful thinking, bringing forth novel ideas. The greatest men in our world, either dead or alive, were men who saw problems as opportunities. Being resourceful about those problems launched them forth into greatness. A real man must be a person who holds the ace in at least one aspect of life.
A test to how creative you are. When last did someone around you come up to you to solve a problem and you delivered? Most men who show their greatness only at bars and clubs create more problems than they solve, if they ever solve any.
Men who drive civilization, economies, technologies, good governments, successful organisations and good families are creative people. They are problem solvers. They never wait on another person to solve their problems for them; they rather go all out to find solution to every problem around them. The best inventions that have made life so easy these days are the results of creative thinking. Infact, the most enduring names are not those perpetuated by biological offspring but rather by products bearing the name of their creators. Do you know Rank Xerox is a person`s name? So also is Ford, Mercedes, Daewoo and so on. Do you know about Ford`s biological children? But at least, you know the Ford Motors – his brainchild. Believe me, brainchildren outlive biological children. Bill Gates would be remembered 300 years from now, not because of his sons but because of Microsoft. Which would you rather have? I want both anyway.
The pyramid is fully loaded at the base. If you want to move up, then step up your CREATIVITY QUOTIENT. There is no limit to how far you can move up on the life pyramid if you become a problem solver.
There are a lot of creative people in our world but we can never have enough of them. You can do much more than all those who have gone ahead. You can bring creativity to bear in your own little corner of the world. Think globally, but don`t be deceived not to act locally. There is a lot you can do for your family, your organisation, your neighbourhood and so on. Be counted for something. You can make a difference. Don`t just be the neighbourhood bully, be the neighbourhood lifesaver.